Friday, March 16, 2018

#docking your boat, part 2

Hi - After writing and publishing yesterday's post, I realized it's important to know how to get your boat to the dock or slip where it probably spends most of it;s life in the water. I felt bad about that, but there is always tomorrow, which in this case is today.  In a perfect world, there would be no wind, waves, currents or tides to interfere with your progress getting to the dock or into your slip. In our world, they all exist.  Taking them into account and dealing with them is a matter of practice. This may not seem like fun, but it's more fun than filling out insurance claims. Having at least one crew member to fend off a piling or boat with a boat pole is always good practice and being ready to pull away from the dock or slip if all else fails is a good idea. You want to come in slow enough to be able to drop a line on a piling or cleat, with enough speed to keep control of your boat.  Sounds easy, right?  Well, it will be after you practice, practice and practice some more. The hardest part is getting to know how to judge conditions and how your boat handles. Any questions, just email me at and if you leave your phone number, we talk about any of your concerns.  

All the best, John

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