Friday, August 12, 2016


          Multifilament Polypropylene makes excellent towing rope - If you tow boats for a living, this high strength to weight ratio rope in its' double braid version has a soft feel, holds knots, has high UV resistance as well as high chemical resistance - all this at a modest cost makes it an ideal rope for professionals and recreational boaters who would like the extra safety of a tow rope should an engine fail or the wind should die.   Did I mention this rope floats so it's less likely to foul on anything below the surface of the water. 
          MFP is available in a variety of colors and you won't find it listed in any of the stock items on our website.  Simply send any inquiry with the subject line  MFP  if you would like more information for a tow line or a rescue line - remember, it floats - This might sound corny, but we are concerned about your safety - dropping us a line with a question or two costs you nothing and may land up helping you out of a bad situation
                                                                                Thanks for reading - All the best, John

(862) 268 1366

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